Reminder Formats

Reminder Formats

Email Format Explanation
[email protected] Reminder set in 10 minutes from now
[email protected] Reminder set in 4 hours from now
[email protected] Reminder set in 2 days from now
[email protected] Reminder set for the same time as now, on the next Tuesday.
[email protected] Reminder set for 8:00 AM today or tomorrow if the time has already passed.
[email protected] Reminder set for 8:30 PM today or tomorrow if the time has already passed.
[email protected] Reminder set for same time as now, on the next 28th of June.
[email protected] Reminder set for 8:00 AM on the next 12th of June.
[email protected] Reminder set for the same time as now, tomorrow.
[email protected] Reminder set for 8:00 AM tomorrow.
Emails can be sent to these addresses as a forwarded email, or a new email in the "To", "CC", or "BCC" fields.